Welcome on this website for EFT. Please, read the disclaimer carefully before proceeding as it is important information for you to be aware of. By continuing to use this website, you indicate that you have read it completely and that you understand and agree with it. If you do not agree to this, do not continue to use this website and the services offered.
I have a background as a health professional (physiotherapist and a nurse), though I do not diagnose, cure or treat medical or mental health conditions. I am trained and certified in Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Energy Psychology (EP) and I provide services based on these techniques, either through coaching or mentoring. The services I provide aren’t a replacement for any traditional, medical, psychological or psychiatric care that may be needed. If you have been diagnosed with a physical or mental health condition, my services may be appropriate for you in addition to whatever medical or mental health care you may already be receiving, but my services aren’t a substitute for traditional medical or mental health care. By signing this agreement, you are indicating that you understand this distinction. You agree to continue following any recommendations made by your healthcare providers and to seek their professional advice as appropriate
Yara hopes that reading about emotional freedom techniques (also known as tapping) will provide you, as a reader, with information about understanding how it connects to your personal or family needs. It does not guarantee or predict the outcome of every individual who chooses to use EFT as there are many variations in outcomes. Yara will do her utmost to use her knowledge in guiding/coaching you with all the information and skills she has obtained from her education/training in EFT.
Either way, it turns out that a growing body of scientific research indicates that it is a proven effective technique, especially for reducing and controlling your stress level. This is very beneficial as a large number of medical specialists recognize that a large number of health problems indicate stress as the cause.
You can find specific research studies at www.eftuniverse.com/research if you are looking for more additional information. Despite the growth and developments in this field, EFT is still considered experimental. I have had professional training in all techniques and I have no problem discussing them with you if you have any questions or
Furthermore, Yara Huisjes accepts no responsibility or reliability of any kind for the use or misuse of the content of this website.